Mar 29, 2023

William Means’ Spring Maintenance Checklist

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Spring has finally arrived in Charleston, and that means azaleas are in bloom, days are longer and it’s time to take care of “Spring cleaning” to make sure your home is in top condition for the warmer days ahead. Follow our guide to home maintenance tasks to tackle this Spring.

Clean gutters and downspouts. During the fall and winter seasons, there’s a good chance leaves and sticks fell into your gutters and downspouts, clogging them and adding extra weight. Neither of these are beneficial, since their purpose is to divert rain water away from your foundation. One of the first spring maintenance items on your list should be getting these cleaned out, which will prevent high cost repairs and replacement related to moisture and mildew.

Service AC unit. Hot weather is on its way, making now a great time to have your HVAC system serviced. Your unit may have been overworked or accumulated debris during the last few months. Have a professional inspect your unit, replace old air filters, clean the coils and evaluate the drip pan. You’ll be glad you took care of this now when those soaring summer temperatures arrive.

Check for leaks. Spring is a good time to evaluate clogged drains, leaky faucets, as well the lines to your dishwasher, washer and dryer and water heater. Check under the kitchen and bathroom sinks to make sure the connections on pipes and hoses are properly sealed, and check for any leaks that could be a sign of a disconnected or damaged pipe.

Check windows and doors. While you’re spring cleaning the windows in your home, make sure your windows and doors are opening and closing properly and that window seals are in place to prevent drafts of air and water intrusion. Check window and door screens as well to make sure there are no holes where bugs can enter. Properly functioning windows and doors are necessary for safety and comfort in all seasons.

Pest control. With warmer weather upon us, prepare for the return of pests that are ready to emerge from hiding. While some pests and insects are around all year, others are more active when the weather starts to warm up. To prevent these unwanted houseguests from nesting in your home, call a professional pest control service to inspect and treat in and around your property.

Check for termites. Termites swarm in the spring season, so make sure to keep an eye out for winged insects flying out of the woodwork around your home. If you happen to see any, check your termite bond and notify your professional pest control company so that they may service your property.

Regular home maintenance can help you avoid unexpected repairs and give you peace of mind as a homeowner. Now that you’ve checked these items off of your Spring home maintenance checklist, all there’s left to do to get ready for Spring is to plant flowers and enjoy the beautiful weather in Charleston.

If you’re thinking of selling your home this Spring, one of our William Means agents would be delighted to expertly guide you through the transaction. Happy Spring!



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