Jun 30, 2021

William Means Guide to Preparing your Home for Summer Heat

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Summer has arrived in Charleston! While we may be ready to enjoy having fun in the sun, we’ll want to make sure our homes are read for the heat, too. Preparing your home for summer can help bring down energy bills, improve the efficiency of the components of your home and increase the overall safety of your property. If you’re not sure where to start, William Means will walk you through four features that need to be in top condition to fight the summer heat.

Roof. When it comes to your home’s efficiency, no area is quite as important as your roof. It protects your home against harsh UV rays and serves as the overall insulation of the property. Cracked or missing shingles can indicate your roof is not in the best shape, as well as any damaged metal flashing around the chimney, pipes or skylights. Preserving energy is just one of the many reasons your roof should be inspected each year. And if you’re planning to sell your home, potential buyers will learn more about its condition from the inspection report, so its best to keep it maintained.

Insulation. Residential insulation should typically be replaced at least once every 20 years, although every home is different. If your home is older, you may also want to consider replacing the insulation. About 25% of the heat in your home escapes through the roof, so it pays to have the loft or attic insulated. Having a professional install quality insulation will have a major impact on the temperature of your home and your energy bill. 

Windows. Another feature of your home that’s going to impact your daily comfort are your windows. If your windows are at least ten years or older, a lot of heat transfer could be taking place. Although investing in new windows can be pricey, they could save you money in the long run. At the very least, make sure to seal any gaps or cracks you see around your windows, as well as your doors, to keep the hot air from entering. The outcome will be a more comfortable house and improved energy efficiency.

HVAC System. It doesn’t come as a surprise that your HVAC system has a major impact on the temperature inside your home. As a general rule, you should plan on having your HVAC system professionally evaluated and serviced each year. Regular maintenance can extend the life of your unit and improve the efficiency. With the HVAC unit being located outdoors, it can get dirty and clogged with leaves and other debris, especially during the winter months, so make sure to keep the unit clean and unclogged.

Preparing your home for summer can be a task, but it keeps your home in tip-top shape and significantly lowers your utility costs during the hotter summer months. We hope you and your home enjoy the summer weather in Charleston!



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