Mar 01, 2010

Why should I sell my house now?

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Why should I sell my house now?  Should I wait for the market to rebound?

“Whether to sell a house in a depressed market is never an easy decision and usually depends on very personal reasons including relocation, retirement, downsizing/upsizing, and financial concerns.  The days of “flipping” for a quick profit seem to be over for the near term, but there can be many other reasons to sell rather than just trying to maximize profit.  Often times it may be better for sellers to just “get on with their lives” by moving on with their plans or to use the funds from the sale of the house to make alternate investments.”

“Trying to time the market perfectly is nearly impossible so pricing the house at a level which will attract serious buying interest in critical.  Having a property that is priced over the market does nothing but cause buyers to lose interest.  As said, sometimes it is better to get the house sold and move on to the next adventure!”

Contact Phil now:  [email protected]



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