Oct 12, 2016

Strength In A Storm

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-Drew Grossklaus – Sales Director / BIC

Over the past few days Charleston has endured one of the most powerful weather events in the world: a hurricane.  Hurricane Matthew came and thankfully went, but things were discovered through strong winds.

Hurricane Matthew revealed that there are still so many good people out there.  We so often hear the news of negativity in our daily lives and seeing all the positive people in this world is such a refreshing change.  First responders including police, fire, EMS, all putting themselves at risk for the safety of others is truly amazing.  The lists of others who run toward the storm also include National Guard, utility workers, and city department workers.

Another beautiful aspect of the storm was the coming together of neighbors.  We hear a lot about neighbors being distant and disinterested in the person next door.  Before, during, and after the storm I witnessed neighbors coming together in a very difficult situation.

Before the storm neighbors were talking about plans and preparation.  My neighborhood had a Facebook page for everyone to share if they planned on leaving and who was staying in case anyone needed anything.  A few impromptu parties occurred at the field for the kids to play kickball while the adults talked about the impending storm and how they could help one another. During the storm texts making sure people were aware of timing and magnitude came streaming in. Everyone made sure people had safely endured the storm.

After the storm communication of power, status of homes of those that evacuated, and overall relief was communicated.  The next day clean up saw people reaching out if they could help others who had damage or trees that needed cutting.  Neighbors in my community also cleaned up debris from communal parking areas, parks, and playgrounds.  Kids went throughout the neighborhood to help everyone and were even featured on the local news.

Make no doubt many still had significant damage and areas both south and north of Charleston had a higher level of devastation.  However, seeing the good in people in these difficult times is uplifting.  The human spirit of helping in difficult times is alive and well Charleston.



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