May 10, 2023

Spring Cleaning Tips To Tackle This Weekend

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The spring season brings the perfect opportunity to give your home an annual deep clean before summer activities fill your schedule. From decluttering to cleaning hard to reach areas, your home will be as good as new after it has been cleaned from top to bottom. Although there is no easy way out of this home project, the following list of spring cleaning tips can help you tackle your home in a weekend. Many hands make light work, so don’t forget to ask for help!

Make a plan. Spring cleaning involves giving your entire home some much needed attention. Although this can seem daunting, having an organized plan can make this process much easier. Start with decluttering closets, drawers and cabinets. Once you remove items that are no longer needed, there will be more space to organize each area and store extra items. Next, it’s time to make a list of all areas that need to be cleaned and detailed so you can start crossing items off your list.

Tackle one room at a time. Focusing on one room at a time can help you stay the course and can also allow you to split up your cleaning list into separate days, helping you feel accomplished after each room is complete. Start each room with putting things away in their designated areas, wiping down each surface and giving the floors a good cleaning. Now is the time to pull out each piece of furniture and clean behind it, as well as vacuum under the beds and in each corner of the room. If the room has hardwood floors or tile, go ahead and give it a good mop before tackling the more tedious tasks.

Down to the details. Now it’s time to tackle cleaning tasks that may not get accomplished during your usual cleaning spree by detailing those hard to reach areas in each room. Clean the ceiling fans by wiping off any dust and dirt and give the fan blades a good polish. You may need to hire a professional for this task if you have high ceilings or don’t feel safe climbing a ladder. Dust and wipe down the blinds, detail the windows and window sills and thoroughly wipe down the baseboards and door frames to get rid of the last bit of remaining dust in each room. You may even realize the walls need to be wiped down while you’re at it.

Clean the appliances. Take this time to closely look at your appliances and get them looking like new. Remove all items from your refrigerator, wipe down all shelves and wash out the drawers. Throw away any condiments or items that are out of date or no longer being used and place them back in an organized manner. Wipe down the inside and outside of the oven door, as well as the stove top, to remove any mess from the last meal you cooked. Now is also a good time to use the oven cleaning feature to give the rest of your oven a deep clean.

Don’t forget the little things. Now that you’ve tackled the larger areas of your home, don’t forget to add finishing touches by detailing smaller items in your home that accumulate dust and dirt over time. Wipe down cabinet doors, light switches, door knobs, the surface of your washer and dryer and dust any picture frames or hanging photos. After all, it’s all in the details!

Now your home is clean from top to bottom and all that’s left is to light a candle and enjoy relaxing in your refreshed space. If you’re considering putting your home on the market, one of our experienced agents would be happy to assist you in getting your home ready for the “For Sale” sign. When spring comes to an end, it may be a good time to pressure wash your porch or patio to remove any remaining pollen. While you’re at it, spruce up your window box and flower beds with bright summer flowers. Contact us today for additional tips and tricks to get your home in tip-top shape.



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