Dec 22, 2017

Agent Tips for Selling Your Home in the New Year

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With the holiday season in full swing and 2018 quickly approaching, we asked our agents to share their best tips for selling your home in the New Year.

Make sure to tidy up after the holiday season – remove decorations from holidays gone by and straighten up guest quarters after having visitors. It’s also important to make sure your home is as well-lit as possible from lamps and lighting fixtures as the sun sets early in the first few months of the year.” – Helen Geer

“It is always good to have a fresh (and honest!) set of eyes walk room to room to point out little things you might not notice, from a cluttered desk to an old leak stain. The idea is to remove as many objectionable things as possible, so the buyer will see a house they want to move into, instead of things they need to change or fix.” – Lyles Geer

“Nothing says a cared for house better than a spic and span house. Before putting your home on the market, consider deep cleaning and organizing. Donate or throw away things you do not want to move and put away any non essentials so buyers can envision themselves at home.” – Martha Freshley

“Aerial and drone photography allows people to have a walk-through experience of your home online and encourages the most discerning buyers to take a look in person.” – Will Dammeyer

“Right after the first of the year is a great time to sell because your home will stand out due to there being fewer properties on the market.” – Georgia Bell

“One thing buyers always look for is storage, especially in Charleston’s historic homes. In order to showcase yours in the best light, try to create some “breathing room” in your closets. Consider donating old clothes and belongings to charity and place any off-season or rarely used items you can’t part with in storage. Try to get everything out except what you absolutely need while your home is on the market.” – Beverly Burris

If you are thinking of selling your home in the New Year, the William Means team would be honored to help you navigate through the process. Learn more about selling your home or contact one of our experienced agents.



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