Jun 21, 2023

Preparing Your Home For Real Estate Photography

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One of the first steps for getting your home ready to hit the market is taking professional photography. Your William Means Realtor will discuss options with you for scheduling and the services that will be booked. From aerial photography taken by drone, capturing views at twilight to a video tour with an agent introduction – there are many options to showcase your home. With a little preparation and coordination to be “shoot-ready,” this process will be a breeze for you, your agent and the photographer. Follow along as we share our tips for preparing your home for real estate photography.

Curb appeal is king. They say first impressions are everything and that rings true in real estate. Curb appeal is defined as “the attractiveness of a property for sale and its surroundings when viewed from the street.” The exterior of the property is a potential home buyers first impression of your house, so it’s important to get it right. Starting with a freshly cut lawn, you’ll want to be sure that your landscaping is trimmed and healthy. Outdoor furniture should be clean and straightened, and toys and equipment should be out of sight. If you have a pool, be sure that it’s cleared of debris as this will be visible in the photos. You will also want to move your cars from the driveway and away from the house. You’ll be surprised what the drone will be able to capture from aerial views, so park your vehicles far away or the next street over.

Squeaky clean. While we are sure you know your home should be spick and span prior to an open house or showing, this also includes deep cleaning ahead of your photoshoot. All surfaces should be cleaned, including mirrors, and walls and ceilings should be re-painted if necessary. This step will ensure that your home is prepped for the real estate market and makes for a better in-person experience when photographing the property. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, your agent will have recommendations for a professional cleaning service to step in if needed.

Less is more. We can’t stay it enough – de-cluttering is key. Personal items should be hidden or stowed away so that a potential buyer can visualize themselves in your home. In the kitchen and bathrooms, you will want to be sure that all surfaces are free from unnecessary items like soap, toiletries, paper towels or small appliances. This not only will showcase how much you cleaned but will also show off the space. Even though you’re stowing away many items, keep in mind that closets, cabinets and your garage should remain organized. They might not be photographed or appear on the listing online, but they will eventually be seen during showings.

Let there be light. There is nothing better than photography that is light and bright. It’s time to open your window blinds and curtains, turn on all the lights and make sure that bulbs are functional and match in warmth. While ceiling fans are okay to be turned on during a property video, they will appear out of focus in still photos, so it is best to leave them off. If the weather is not ideal on your scheduled date for photography, your home may appear darker than usual so you should discuss rescheduling options with your agent.

Set the stage. Now that you have tended to the lawn, deep cleaned and decluttered – it’s time to consider staging. A survey from the National Association of Realtors® revealed that home staging continues to be a significant part of the home buying and selling process. 82% of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home. If your home is vacant, staging or virtual staging should be discussed with your agent prior to your photoshoot. You may not necessarily need to hire a professional stager, however it always best to discuss your options with your William Means Realtor. After all, they are here to help you every step of the way to sell your home.

Real estate photographers are busy, especially in the Charleston marketplace, so having your home “shoot-ready” prior to their arrival is paramount for a smooth photoshoot. If you have any questions about how to best prepare your home, William Means agents can offer their expertise for capturing your property in its best light.



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