Aug 21, 2019

How To Create the Perfect Homework Station

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For many families in the Lowcountry, today marks the first day back at school for the 2019-2020 school year. Returning to the routine of doing homework, studying, and extra-curricular activities can be difficult at first, but a homework station can be a huge help for students as they relearn their school-time rhythm. Follow these tips for creating the perfect homework station, and your students will be on their A-game.

Determine A Work Space. Whether it’s in their bedroom, the family room, den, or even a spacious hallway, determine a permanent space that will serve as your student’s work space to help them establish good habits.

Create The Proper Set-Up. Working from a table and chair rather than from their laps is much more effective for most students to help them maintain focus and good posture. Create an area that still feels comfortable for them, but with enough table space for them to spread out as much as needed.

Get Organized. Bulletin boards, chalk boards and calendars mounted on the wall help students visualize goals, projects, and ideas. Keep supplies like writing utensils, scissors, paper clips and sticky notes in fun baskets, cups, or built-in cubbies so they’ll have everything they need within reach. Set up a file organizer with their school subjects/classes divided to help them keep everything in order as they work.

Make It Fun. Homework time doesn’t have to be boring! Colorful to-do list pads, timers, label-makers, and snack drawers, add in an element of fun that can make homework and studying much more enjoyable for your student.

Invite Your Student to Help. Invite your student to help plan their homework space. From a color palette to wall art to their preferred desk accessories, your student will be more inclined to utilize their homework station if they have had a hand in creating it.

We hope these homework station tips make getting back into the school routine a breeze. Happy first day of school!


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