Jul 25, 2018

Tips for Designing Your Home Office

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The summer season is winding down as the beginning of the school year approaches. After a few months of a more leisurely pace of life enjoying family, friends, and vacations, now is the time to refocus on your goals. Whether or not you work from home, a home office is a great place to get important things done. Follow these tips to create the perfect office space in your own home.

Choose the Right Location. When choosing a location for your home office, consider how you work best – in front of a window? Around other people? In a quiet, distraction free space? Asking yourself these questions and examining your home’s floor plan will help you select the best space in which to create your office.

Get Organized. Consider what items you need to have within reach from your desk, or what items can be stored away for occasional use. There are hundreds of options when it comes to desks, shelves and filing cabinets, so it’s important to strategize before you furnish your space.

Invest in a Great Chair. Speaking of furnishing – you will be spending hours in your home office, so it’s important to have a chair that is both comfortable and ergonomically correct.

Add Lighting. Lots of natural daylight is ideal, but if you don’t have a window in your office space you can still create a great atmosphere with thoughtfully placed lighting. Recessed lights are perfect for general lighting, and a desk lamp or sconces can add ambiance.

Inspire Yourself. Add items that inspire you to do your best work. Whether it’s a stunning piece of artwork that gets your creativity flowing, a quote that motivates you or a photo of your family, it’s important to remind yourself what you are working towards.



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