Nov 27, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving From William Means

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Happy Thanksgiving from the William Means family. From our wonderful families, friends and clients to the privilege of calling the #1 City in the U.S. our home, we have so much to be thankful for this year. We hope your Thanksgiving weekend is filled with great food and even better company.

“I am thankful for all the blessings in my life. I am particularly thankful to be spending Thanksgiving with my 92-year-old mother, my sister and the rest of our family.”

Helen Geer

“I am so thankful to live in the Lowcountry surrounded by natural beauty and loving friends. Thanksgiving is a time I treasure just being with my family and laughing and laughing.”

Martha Freshley

“I am always thankful for my family and all my past, current, and future clients.”

Brian Walsh

“I’m extremely thankful for my family and friends – Each year we celebrate Thanksgiving with another family and we have so much fun playing games and sharing laughs together.”

Bonnie Geer

“I’m thankful to spend this time of year with friends and family in such a special town.”

Alex Brener

“My husband and I are grateful for our health and for our friends and family, especially our two children who are both happily settled into college. And I am forever grateful for the many wonderful clients and friends who look to me to help them with their real estate needs. We feel truly blessed.”

Michelle McQuillan

“I am so thankful for our first grandchild born this year…our little granddaughter Myla Grace. She is a perfect gift from God. I am blessed to watch her grow and see our beautiful world through her eyes!”

Eileen Smith

“I am thankful for my wife Eileen and our children who encourage me everyday and for my new little granddaughter Myla who has brought so much joy into our lives.”

John Smith

“I feel there is always something to be thankful for and this year I’m thankful for each new challenge, as it has built my strength, character, and made me more appreciative of what I have.”

Grace Perry Daughtridge

“This year I’m thankful above all else for my family’s health. Sharing this life with my husband and children makes everything we do day-to-day worth it.”

Farrah Follmann

“I’m so thankful to be doubly blessed with my first grandchildren, Thomas and Sadie.”

Etta Connolly

“I am so thankful for family and friends… for those who are here and for those who have gone on before us. The legacy left us by our Founding Fathers, though not perfect, is one we can celebrate as we give thanks this year for all our many blessings.”
Georgia Bell



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