Mar 11, 2014

From Elle’s Kitchen – Meat Loaf Muffins

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Blue Cheese, Spinach Meat Loaf Muffins

Using a large muffin pan allows the mini meat loaves to cook faster and makes portion sizing easier, plus your kids won’t know you hid some veggies in there too!

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1 1/2 pounds lean ground beef
3/4 cup crumbled blue cheese
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs

[layout large=”One Fourth”]
1/2 cup chopped fresh spinach
2 eggs
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce


  1. Preheat an oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease a large muffin pan with cooking spray.
  2. Combine ground beef, blue cheese, onion, bread crumbs, spinach, eggs, and Worcestershire sauce in a large bowl until well blended. Divide meat mixture evenly into the prepared muffin pan.


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