Nov 22, 2022

A William Means Thanksgiving

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The William Means family has so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. We are extremely thankful for our amazing agents, hard-working employees and of course our wonderful clients who have made it all possible. We are celebrating our first anniversary in our new office – It’s hard to believe we have already been here for a year! We hope your Thanksgiving is filled with great food and time with your loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at William Means!

“2022 brought the blessing of our happy and healthy third child, Charlie, and we could not be more Thankful!”

Lyles Geer

“I am so thankful to have three amazing grandchildren. They bring a lot of joy into my life!”

Helen Geer

“I am thankful to live in this beautiful city everyday. And, to be able to help others live here too!”

Brian Walsh

“I am thankful for an extraordinary supportive staff of coworkers that are a pleasure to work with, loyal clients, friends and family (especially my grandchildren), good health and our beautiful new office conveniently located in my neighborhood, I’On. I am also thankful for Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Almonds!”

Etta Connolly

“I’m thankful to live in such a great city, have a career that I’m passionate about and to work with amazing clients. I’m extra thankful this year as I became a mom and am excited to share holiday traditions with our new addition.”

Grace Perry Huddleston

“Aside from the health and happiness of my family, I am most thankful for the clients I have been privileged to help! Navigating them through the stress that accompanies a real estate transaction while finding moments of joy and laughter are the times I will never forget!”

– Kenton Selvey

“This year, I am thankful for my family, my health and my amazing group of friends in Charleston. Without my Charleston community, I wouldn’t get to do my dream job in the best city.”

Kaelin Hall

“I’m thankful to spend the week with a big group of family this year out on Kiawah Island.”

Sarah Vinyard

“Family, friends, food, fun, clients, foreign cities and my home. For these and so many other blessings, I am truly thankful.”

Paula Yorke

“I’m thankful for what I create each and every day!”

– Katie Wishneff

“I am thankful for all of the new friends I have made over the past year with so many fabulous clients moving to Charleston! Developing relationships is such an important part of selling real estate. And of course, my loving family and long time friends make it even better!”

Bonnie Geer

“I am thankful for my family, friends, health, business and all the many blessings God has given me. I am so grateful we will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving and my mothers 84th birthday this Thanksgiving.”

Jane Dowd



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