Nov 25, 2015

A William Means Thanksgiving

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Helen - thumb

“There are so many things I am thankful for this year. Truthfully, what I am most thankful for is that the Lord looks after me. ” – Helen Geer

Leize - thumb
“I am thankful to for the opportunity to spend every Thanksgiving at a family home on Edisto Island. This peaceful escape is just 50 minutes from downtown Charleston, and the Lowcountry landscapes there are endlessly stunning.” Leize Gaillard

Olivia - Thumb

“I’m grateful to be part of a team with such gracious agents and am very thankful to work in an office with so many peppermints. #thnxcostco”Olivia Hipp

Susan - thumb

“I am thankful that Charleston is home. We are fortunate to live and work in the most beautiful, historic and walkable City in America. It’s a joy to see my grandchildren growing up in this special place. I hope that our family will be part of Charleston for another 12 generations.” Susan Davis

Krystine - CIRE

“I’m thankful for the opportunity to have a career that I love and that allows me to spend time with my family.  And I’m super thankful for leggings with an elastic waistband and poncho sweaters during this time ;-)” – Krystine Edwards

Drew - thumb

“I am thankful for the two great additions to William Means, Gillian and Olivia.” Drew Grossklaus 

Lyles Geer - Thumb

“This Thanksgiving, I am thankful to have spent a full and happy year in the house my wife and I renovated together.” – Lyles Geer 

Gia - thumb

“I am thankful for my family. I feel so lucky to have three little boys lighting up each and every day, even if that day starts at 5:30am!” – Gia Lee

Elle - banner

“Every year I think maybe we should have a different menu, something more interesting, the children are not children any longer and they are all very good cooks and very discerning when it comes to food. However, I suggested a different menu this year and the family opted yet again for the time worn favorites of their childhood memories. This year we have two new family member, Waylon Gray and Ophelia Adelaide, the twins, born barely six weeks ago. They will be eight weeks old by Thanksgiving day. I am in awe of the blessings my family has received. Sam and I will look around our table and although it will be complete mayhem with all the children, grand children and dogs we will look at each other and say, yes, this is what we have always wanted. Our big noisy family gathered together to give thanks for all the love shared around that big table.” – Elle Haynes

Andy Jones - thumb

“At my age, I’m just thankful that I’m still upright.” – Andy Jones



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